1) Installing the O365 online module
- Download Powershell online module from this link : http://aka.ms/t01i1o
- Under Microsoft Online Services Sign-In Assistant for IT Professionals RTW, click Download.
- select the en\msoidcl_64.msi check box, click Next, and then click Save.Wait for the download to finish.When the download finishes, click Run.
- In the Microsoft Online Services Sign-in Assistant Setup wizard, click I accept the terms in the license Agreement and Privacy Statement, and then click Install.If a User Account Control dialog box appears, click Yes.
- On the Completed the Microsoft Online Services Sign-in Assistant Setup Wizard page, click Finish.
- Then Right click on Start and click Windows PowerShell (Admin)
- At the prompt, type Install-ModuleMSOnline command.
- If prompted to install the NuGet provider, type Y and press ENTER.
- If prompted to install the module from PSGallery, type Y and press ENTER
- At the Powershell, type the following command to connect
- In the Enter Credentials dialog box sign in
2.1) Create New User
New-MsolUser -UserPrincipalName Catherine@LODSA904072.onmicrosoft.com -DisplayName "Catherine Richard" -FirstName "Catherine" -LastName"Richard" -Password 'Pa55w.rd' -ForceChangePassword $false -UsageLocation "CH"
2.2) Checking the un-licensed user
Get-MsolUser -UnlicensedUsersOnly
2.3) View the available licenses
2.4) Add Licenses to a user
Set-MsolUserLicense –UserPrincipalName catherine@LODSA904072.onmicrosoft.com - AddLicenses "LODSAxxxxxx:ENTERPRISEPREMIUM"
2.5) Prevent a user from signing in
Set-MsolUser -UserPrincipalNameCatherine@LODSA904072.onmicrosoft.com -BlockCredential $true
2.6) To allow a user to sign in
Set-MsolUser -UserPrincipalNameCatherine@LODSA904072.onmicrosoft.com -BlockCredential $false
Remove-MsolUser -UserPrincipalNameCatherine@LODSA904072.onmicrosoft.com -Force
2.8) view the Deleted Users
Get-MsolUser -ReturnDeletedUsers
2.9) Restore a deleted user
Restore-MsolUser -UserPrincipalNameCatherine@LODSA904072.onmicrosoft.com
3) Modify user accounts
3.1) To bulk import several users from a comma-separated value (CSV) file
Import-Csv -PathC:\labfiles\O365Users.csv | ForEach-Object { New-MsolUser -UserPrincipalName$_."UPN" -FirstName $_."FirstName" -LastName $_."LastName" -DisplayName$_."DisplayName" -BlockCredential $False-ForceChangePassword $False -Password$_."Password" -PasswordNeverExpires$True -Title $_."Title" -Department$_."Department" -Office $_."Office" -PhoneNumber $_."PhoneNumber" -MobilePhone $_."MobilePhone" -StreetAddress $_."StreetAddress" -City$_."City" -State $_."State" -PostalCode$_."PostalCode" -Country $_."Country" }
It is recommended that you use the type/text
feature in a Notepad first and from there to copy and then
paste this code into your PowerShell session.
4) Configure groups and group membership
4.1) Create a group
New-MsolGroup -DisplayName "Marketing" -Description "Marketing
department users"
4.2) Configure a variable for the group add user to the group
$MktGrp = Get-MsolGroup | Where-Object{$_.DisplayName -eq "Marketing"}
$Catherine = Get-MsolUser | Where-Object{$_.DisplayName -eq "Catherine
Add-MsolGroupMember -GroupObjectId$MktGrp.ObjectId -GroupMemberType "User"-GroupMemberObjectId $Catherine.ObjectId
4.3) To verify the members of the group
Get-MsolGroupMember -GroupObjectId$MktGrp.ObjectId
5) Configure user passwords
5.1) Set Passwords
Set-MsolUserPassword -UserPrincipalName"Tameka@LODSA904072.onmicrosoft.com" -NewPassword 'Pa55w.rd'
5.2) Set password to never expire
Get-MsolUser | Set-MsolUser -PasswordNeverExpires $false
6) Manage service administration
6.1) Assigning Roles
Add-MsolRoleMember -RoleName "Service
Support Administrator" -RoleMemberEmailAddress"Sallie@LODSA904072.onmicrosoft.com"
Add-MsolRoleMember -RoleName "Company
Administrator" -RoleMemberEmailAddress"Amy@LODSA904072.onmicrosoft.com"
6.2) Get the members who has Service Support Administrator role assigned
$role = Get-MsolRole -RoleName "Service
Support Administrator"
Get-MsolRoleMember -RoleObjectId$role.ObjectId