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Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Installing Nano Server Step by Step

  1. Download the Nano Server Image Builder at Microsoft’s website (Download Center) by clicking the Download button.
    The figure shows the Download Nano Server tab in the browser window. It displays the Download button on the Nano Server Image Builder (1.0.78) page.
    Nano Server Image Builder
  2. A file named NanoServerImageBuilder.msi will be created. Double-click on the file. If an Open File Security Warning Dialog box appears, click the Run button.
  3. The Nano Server Image Builder Setup wizard will begin. Click Next at the intro screen.
  4. At the Licensing screen, click the I accept the terms checkbox and click Next.
  5. At the Destination Folder screen, choose the directory where you want to install the Nano Server Image Builder files . Click Next.
    The figure shows the Destination Folder screen of the Nano Server Image Builder Setup. It displays the destination folder location for installing the Nano Server Image Builder as F:\win 2016 NANO server\.
    Nano Server Image Builder Destination
  6. At the Ready to Install screen, click the Install Button. If a User Account Control box appears, click the Yes button.
  7. Once the Installation is complete, click the Finish Button.
  8. Open Windows Explorer and go to the destination folder that you chose in step 5. Double-click the NanoServerImageBuilder.exe file. If a UAC dialog box appears, click Yes.
  9. For the Image Builder to work, you must also download the Windows ADK kit. This can be done at Hardware Dev Center. Click the get Windows ADK Download button.
  10. It will ask you if you want to run or save the file. I saved the file to the same destination folder as the Nano Server Image Builder. Once it’s downloaded, double-click the adksetup.exe file. If a dialog box appears, click Run.
  11. Specify the destination of where you want the Windows ADK files to install and click Next.
  12. At the Windows Kit Privacy screen, you can choose either option. By choosing Yes, you will participate in Microsoft’s feedback program. For this exercise, I chose No. Click Next.
  13. At the License Agreement screen, click Accept.
  14. At the Features screen, accept the defaults and click Install. If a UAC screen appears, click Yes.
  15. After the installation is complete, click the Close button.
  16. Double-click on the NanoServerImageBuilder.exe file. When the UAC screen appears, click Yes.
  17. So we now have the ability to create a Nano Server image or a bootable USB. We are going to create an Image. So click on the top choice “Create a new Nano Server image” .
    The figure shows the Create a new image or bootable USB screen of the Nano Server Image Builder window. It shows two options for creating a new image or bootable USB such as,  Create a new Nano Server image and Create bootable USB media.
    Nano Server Image Choice
  18. At the Before you begin screen, click Next.
  19. At the Select Installation Media screen, point the folder to your Windows Server 2016 installation files where the NanoServer Folder resides. Click Next.
  20. At the License agreement screen, click the box that states I have read and agree to the terms. Then click Next.
  21. At the Deployment type screen. I am going to choose to create a Virtual machine image . I am keeping the default of 8 GB and I am placing the VHD in my Win 2016 Nano Server folder . Click Next.
    The figure shows the Select deployment type screen of the Nano Server Image Builder window. It displays four options such as, Select the type of machine this image will be deployed to, Nano Server output file name, Set max size extension for the VHD or VHDX, and Specify a directory to copy the image creation log files. Virtual machine image is selected as the type of machine for deployment, F:\win 2016 NANO server\Pluto.vhd is the Nano server image output file name, 8 GB is set as the size of the VHD or VHDX, and F:\win 2016 NANO server is the directory name. The buttons such as, Previous, Next, and Cancel are shown below.
     Deployment Type
  22. At the Basic Installation screen, click Next.
  23. At the Select Optional Packages screen, you can choose any other options you want to install like DNS, IIS, etc. I am just going to click Next.
  24. At the Drivers screen, add any drivers that may be needed for your installation and click Next.
  25. Next the Destination screen will appear. Here is where you will enter the name of the computer and the Administrator’s password. Make sure your Time Zone is correct and click Next.
  26. At this time, I am not going to join a domain. So I am just going to click Next.
  27. I will leave the default network settings and click Next.
  28. At the Advanced Configuration Screen, I am going to choose the top option “Create a Basic Nano Server Image” 
    The figure shows the Select next step screen of the Nano Server Builder window. It displays two advanced configuration options, Create basic Nano Server image and Continue to configure advanced settings.
    Advanced Configuration Screen
  29. After you click the link, it will automatically take you to a Confirmation screen. Just click the Create button.
  30. Once the image is complete, click the Close button.
  31. Open Windows Explorer and go to the folder where you created the VHD (see Figure 1.16). Make sure the VHD (My VHD is named Pluto.vhd) has been created. You can now run this VHD in Microsoft Hyper-V.
    The figure shows the folder win 2016 NANO server with three sub-folders and few files where the file Pluto.vhd is selected.

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Stop Annoying Beep Sound When Connecting Power Source - ACER 4740 - Win 7

Stop Annoying Beep Sound When Connecting Power Source - ACER 4740 - Win 7

The problem is the Realtek Audio Drivers. Windows doesn't have a sound for the event so it supplies the old-school default beep.

Go to Device Manager>Sound, Video & Game Controllers> and uninstall the Realtek device (choose to delete the drivers as well). Then click "Scan for HW changes" and let the Windows default driver install.

Azure Pricing

  Azure offers pay-as-you-go and reserved instances for pricing. Azure Pricing Factors: Resource size and resource type. Different Azure loc...